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giant monsters

Kategori: övernaturligt

Kollade runt lite på youtube förut men hittade några videos om riktiga jättar från förr, tänk om det fanns, ingen vet riktigt, men tycker dom borde prata mer om sånt här på nyheterna och i det borde finnas i tidningen, vem vill inte veta om man hittar en jätte eller nåt liknande, det skulle jag vilja iaf. Om det är verkligen är sant att det här är skelett från utdöda jättar, vad mer finns där ute? vad har funnits och vad kommer härnäst?

Who was this giant? Is it real?

Do You Believe in Giants?

The last picture here was supposedly taken from an archaeological dig in India. Look at the relationship in size between the fossil bones and the men working the site. If this is not a hoax I wouldn't have wanted to meet up with this fellow!

Giant human skeletons were they real giants


Giant human skeletons were they real giants

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The world is truly amazing, the videos and pictures attached to this post is of a series of giant human looking skeletons found in different parts of the world. They have become commonly referred to a humanoid type skeleton known as a Nephilim species that existed over 1000 years ago. Whether all of these images are real or not or if it is all just a hoax I will leave that up to your decision, however if these rare skeletons were of an old human type species they sure would open up doors to other possibilities that were out there. Giant skeletons Maybe Giant Humans Walked the Earth over a thousand years ago.

Possibly this explains why some massive temple like structures were built back in the old days, that look like they were designed for big people. Some scientists also claim it might all be due to the disease gigantism, however I'm sure the size cannot be as big as these unless gigantism was a more effective disease back then.. Whatever it is, these big human skeletons found which they call the Nephilims sure opens up possibilities if they are real.

The story of giants may not be a story at all, but rather lost history that is to this day still being actively covered up. Many have tried presenting these giants as a hoax. It is not a hoax, the hoax is to get you to believe it is a hoax.

The amount of work that would be required to create this hoax and the documented proof of a cover up by the Discovery channel proves something is being hidden from the world. Besides why hasn't anyone else produced a another hoax since these last giant findings disappeared.

There are Real Giant Monsters in the World

This hub is about monsters. Real monsters not imaginary or mythical ones. First we'll see some modern day monsters and then see their prehistoric counterparts.

People have been fascinated by giant creatures for thousands of years. Our ancestors feared and hunted giants such as mastodons, sloths and cave bears. Scientist have pointed to the arrival of humans in North America as the leading cause of extinction of the megafauna living here at the end of the last glacial period about 13,000 years ago.

If you are interested in real and imaginary giant creatures you might enjoy Giant Monsters of the World. I share some interesting information about living giants and mythical monsters.

At this time the continent teemed with giant creatures from 12 foot tall ground sloths to the wooly mammoth. Giant bears that would dwarf the largest polar bear haunted the forests here in America while tortoises bigger than Volkswagen autos and 30 foot long goannas lumbered across ancient Australia.

Real Giant Monster Crocodiles

Prehistoric Giant Monster Crocodile

Sarcosuchus was a true monster crocodile. Imagine a crocodile averaging 40 feet long and weighing in at 16,000 pounds. Imagine it if you will; a reptile predator large as a city bus living in the lakes and rivers of Cretaceous period Africa.

Sarcosuchus is thought to have been the largest crocodile species that ever lived. Paleontologists estimate the animals average weight and length by studying the size, shape and position of skeletal remains and fossil skulls.

Sarcosuchus, at 40 plus feet is only about twice as long as the largest living crocodiles. It was much more massive than modern crocodiles and averaged 8 to 10 tons in weight. Some scientists think the animal needed the extra mass because its prey included dinosaurs and turtles as well as the monstrous fish that lived during the Creataceous Period. Many of the giant lobe finned fish alive during the cretaceous were over 6 feet in length and weighed well over 200 pounds.

Gustav-Giant Monster Crocodile and Man-eater

In the African country of Burundi there lives a monster. Famous as a man eater, Gustav is a nile crocodile over 20 feet long and weighing in at nearly 3000 pounds. Gustav is a notorious predator with a taste for human meat as well as anything else too slow to get away. The exact measurements are uncertain because Gustav has not been captured. Expert eyewitness accounts verify that Gustav is indeed a giant sized Nile crocodile and may be the largest living member of the species. Because he is so massive, Gustav isn't fast enough to easily catch prey such as antelope or gazelles. Reptile experts studying the animal think that is why he hunts slower prey like humans and hippos. Juvenile crocodiles are also on Gustav's menu.

He lives in Burundi and hunts the waters of the Ruzizi River and the north shoreline of lake Tanganyika. Local villagers are frightened witless by this real life monster. They recount that giant Crocodile has eaten at least 300 people during his 60 plus year reign as king of the river.

Gustav-a giant man eater


Giant Pigs

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Giant Boar found eating a cowHogzilla2?extinct Devil Pig
Giant Boar found eating a cow
Giant Boar found eating a cow

THIS giant feral pig has been shot dead after it was spotted eating a dead cow on an Australian property. At first considered a hoax, the Sunday Times newspaper has since established the giant pig was established as being killed on the Pilbara cattle station near Perth, Australia. The stationer kept quiet for fear of having his station over run by hunters looking for more giant boars.
Another giant boar was killed by an 11 year old boy in Alabama. This one was 9 feet long and weighed over 1000 pounds.

The Devil Pig

The Entelodont

North America 25 million years ago was home to something truly dire. Imagine a giant boar seven feet high at the shoulder and weighing over a ton with truly nasty eating habits. That's entelodont. While a scavenger this monster would eat anything smaller than itself and would defecate on it's prey to keep scavengers away while it ate.


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